Planet friendly shopping and leisure facility
We have a dream to set up a planet friendly shopping and leisure facility in Stirling that creates an opportunity for:
Several reuse organisations/charities to co-locate together to sell pre-loved items.
An expansion of the current repair activities and sharing libraries to a scale that customers have the confidence that they would be able to source the items that they needed when they needed.
An increased number of Maker spaces and workshop spaces for local creatives.
A larger events space which provides residents with alternative leisure experiences.
Customers to receive a user-focussed experience that exceeds a conventional shopping experience, through the presence of upcyclers/ creative spaces, nature and aesthetics.
Practical research which increases reuse – locally and nationally - through additional collaborations with Universities and strategic organisations. 
Opportunities for inclusive employment and volunteering opportunities.
Our aim is to regenerate a large building within the town centre to create a space where everyone in society feels welcomed - locals, tourists and businesses. To turn our dream into a reality, we need everyone. If you would like to find out more about our plans or get involved, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
