About Us
Constituted in 2024, our primary aim as a charity is to protect the environment and support our local community through environmental research, employability and training opportunities. We are passionate about developing projects that are accessible to everyone and empowering people to make a positive difference to their environment and their local community. Our charity was born out of the belief that everything and everyone is precious and should be valued.
Good Green Futures was created when a number of small charities decided to collaborate together to try to achieve something inspirational for Stirling, and Scotland more widely. In 2023, we successfully applied to Zero Waste Scotland for funding to look at setting up a large-scale reuse hub in Stirling City Centre. The funding enabled us to establish that there was keen interest amongst local charities and that we had support from Stirling Council and the University of Stirling to create a flagship planet-friendly shopping and leisure facility within the City Centre.
A public consultation indicated that our community was keen to have opportunities to shop more sustainably e.g. through having opportunities to repair items or borrow rather than buy.
Good Green Futures was set up primarily to help achieve this dream for Stirling and the Forth Valley region more widely.